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Fingerprint Access Control: Benefits and Functions

Apr 28, 2023

Securing your property is of the highest priority. Maintaining the safety of your employees and your property is one of the main concerns of any business owner. For a long time, the only way to secure access to your property was simple locks and keys. 

There have been many advances in building access security over the years, and one of the most crucial is fingerprint access control systems. These are specific types of what is called biometric security systems. 

Fingerprint access control systems are one of the most secure access control systems you can get. Locks and keys work fine, but they have a number of disadvantages. Keys can be lost; they can be given away without prior authorization. The list is long. There is simply no way to duplicate fingerprints, and this is why business owners who require serious security have begun using fingerprint access control systems. 

What is fingerprint access control? What are the benefits of fingerprint access control? And how do you go about setting up fingerprint access control for your property? This guide will introduce you to fingerprint access control security systems. 

What is Fingerprint Access Control?


fingerprint access

Fingerprint access control is a specific type of access control system that falls under the category of biometric security control. In the case of fingerprint access control, you use a scanner to create a template for each person you authorize to enter your property. They can then use the scanner to scan their fingerprint to gain access to the premises.

Biometrics is a system that can use unique physical aspects of individuals for use in things like security clearance and access control. Biometric access control systems can read things like eyes and fingerprints so that only those individuals who are electronically scanned into the security system can gain access to the property. 

Fingerprint access control means individuals who you authorize to have access to your property have their unique fingerprint scanned and entered into the security system. This cannot be duplicated, and each reading of the fingerprint is digitally monitored and recorded.  

Fingerprint Access Control Benefits

People who operate businesses that demand high security have made the switch to biometric security in the form of fingerprint access control systems. They made this decision because there are some demonstrable benefits to fingerprint access control systems. Some of the benefits of fingerprint access control systems include:

Impossible to duplicate, forge, or steal

Other forms of digital access control such as pin-based, access card, and password systems still remain open to forgery and compromise. These systems are still vulnerable to users revealing their pin codes, losing or giving away their access cards, or revealing their passwords to unauthorized people.

Fingerprint access control systems are not subject to these kinds of problems. There is just no way to duplicate a fingerprint. Biometric data like fingerprints are absolutely unique to individuals. Once a fingerprint is scanned into your control access security system, there is no way to access the system without that singular and unique fingerprint. Even identical twins do not share the same fingerprint. 

Maximum security

Businesses that require high security have begun using fingerprint access control systems for the simple reason they are the most secure way of controlling access. You can control access to the building and various parts of the building using these types of systems, and they are the most secure forms of access control available. Things like access cards and key fobs can be lost or given away. Passwords and pin codes can be shared or even stolen. Fingerprints cannot be transferred to anyone. 

Another feature of fingerprint control access systems and other forms of biometric access control is that they do not give the obvious appearance of an access point. Not only can people not access the point of entry they may not even recognize it as a point of entry. For example, if you are using fingerprint access control for a specific part of your property, other employees who do not have the authorization to enter this part of the building may not even recognize that it is an area that has access. It may remain unknown. Fingerprint access control systems provide maximum security for a building. 

Detailed and accurate data

Whenever an authorized person uses the fingerprint access control system, a digital record is made of this entry. Biometric access control systems track and record every use and every point of entry. While key fobs, access cards, access codes, and other forms of digital access can provide data for all use, they do not record precisely who entered the building. Fingerprint access control tracks each individual coming and going with the system. Fingerprint access control systems let you know who used the system when they used it, and when they exited the premises. This adds added layers of control and awareness for your security system. The system can also record all unauthorized attempts to gain entry. This gives you immediate information on any unauthorized movement toward your secure areas. 

Access credential control

Fingerprint access control systems allow you complete control over who you authorize to use the system. Since this access and the credentials you stipulate to provide access are managed from a central control point, you can easily grant or deny access at any time. Should you decide that one person should no longer have access, you can revoke that access at your discretion. This is particularly useful when you experience turnover with employees. 

How Does Fingerprint Access Control Work?

Fingerprint access control is one example of the broader category of biometric access control. This means the system works with the biological features of individuals as a means of securing access to buildings and other grounds. 

Things like fingerprints are absolutely unique and cannot be duplicated. To enter a secured area or building, users would have to use their own fingerprints. No one else could use or access the system. 

Fingerprint access control specifically works using a digital scan of an individual fingerprint and transferring this data into a digital system. The system records the digital fingerprint and uses it as a recognition mechanism to activate things like doors, locks, and devices. Many people have a fingerprint access mechanism on their smartphones. Fingerprint access control works the same way. 

Since fingerprint access control systems are digital, they record the data of every user every time they access the system. This provides a full log of all use and points of access. The system will also record all unauthorized attempts to access the system. 

How to install Fingerprint Access Control

Fingerprint access control systems are extremely complex. They use advanced scanning and recognition technology and rely entirely on a specific computer system to control the system. To install a fingerprint access control system, you will need a licensed and qualified technician.

This means licensed electricians and fully trained computer specialists who know how to properly interface the fingerprint control system with the rest of your security system.  

Fingerprint Access Control Risks

The main risk for fingerprint access control systems is data breaches. With biometric security data, any data breach can be devastating to both users of the system and the company that employs the system. 

Data from fingerprint access control systems can be used to stalk people, to track their movements at all times, and to steal their identities. For anyone who wants to remain anonymous, a data breach with a fingerprint access control system can reveal every aspect of their lives to the public. 

All biometric access control systems can be used for illegal purposes in the event of a security breach. This runs the spectrum of criminal activities to repressive governments that use private data for illegal purposes. 

You just install and regulate a fingerprint access control system under the tightest security. 

Fingerprint Access Control System Considerations


fingerprint access

Fingerprint Access Control systems are almost foolproof

They can provide some of the most seamless secure access available. That said, there are some important things to consider before installing a fingerprint access control system. 


How well does the system recognize the fingerprints that have been scanned and authorized? The system should not have a significant rate of false recognitions or false rejections. 

Anti-spoofing abilities

As fingerprint access control systems become more widespread, they have drawn the attention of intruders who attempt to access the system through the system’s input devices. This is called spoofing, and your system needs to be resistant to this kind of activity. 


User acceptance is the key to using fingerprint access control systems. Some biometric access control systems have a stigma attached to them, and people refuse to use them. You need to make sure people you want to have access to the system are willing to use the system. 


It is important to decide if these systems are cost-effective for your business and your property. Since the initial investment in fingerprint access control systems can be high, is it really worth the expense to install such a system on your property? Some systems provide a significant return on investment.  


Fingerprint access control systems require physical contact with the mechanisms. This means you need to take steps to avoid the transmission of infections. 

Fingerprint Access Control FAQs


What is Fingerprint Access Control? 

Fingerprint access control is a specific type of access control system that falls under the category of biometric security control. In the case of fingerprint access control, you use a scanner to create a template for each person you authorize to enter your property. They can then use the scanner to scan their fingerprint to gain access to the premises.

What are the benefits of fingerprint access control? 

Fingerprint access control systems make it impossible to duplicate, steal, or lose access control mechanisms. They provide maximum security. They also provide a detailed and accurate data trail of all use. And fingerprint access control systems allow you complete control over who is authorized to access the system. 

How does fingerprint access control work? 

Fingerprint access control specifically works using a digital scan of an individual fingerprint and transferring this data into a digital system. The system records the digital fingerprint and uses it as a recognition mechanism to activate things like doors, locks, and devices. Many people have a fingerprint access mechanism on their smartphones. Fingerprint access control works the same way. 

What are some important considerations before proceeding with a fingerprint access control system?

Fingerprint access control systems can be expensive. You need to think about your ROI before investing in one. A good access control system must be resistant to spoofing attempts and to false recognitions and false failures. Finally, many people are resistant to using these systems. You need to get a sense of how potential users are going to respond to fingerprint access control techniques. 

Fingerprint access control systems are among the most effective forms of secure access control. There are no extraneous objects involved in accessing buildings and grounds other than an individual fingerprint. Once installed, these systems will provide maximum security for your business. However, fingerprint access control systems are not the kinds of things just anyone can install. They require trained and licensed professionals to install them correctly.  

Helios Security Systems has the technical knowledge and trained staff that can properly install fingerprint access control systems in your building or business. Our trained and licensed staff can walk you through the options for fingerprint access control systems and direct you to the kind of system that will work best for your security needs. Whether you need a simple security system that works with key cards or key fobs, or you need advanced security in the form of fingerprint access control, Helios Security Systems can get you the system that works best for you. 

At Helios Security Systems we specialize in providing state-of-the-art security systems for our residential and commercial clients. We’re your #1 alarm company in Miami. We can provide the most secure video monitoring systems and alarms to make your home safe from any emergency.

Helios provides services and systems such as Miami security alarms and CCTV. 



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