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Fire Alarm Systems: What are they and How do they work?

Fire Alarm Systems: What are they and How do they work?

Whether you own a commercial or residential property in Southern Florida, by law you are required to have a fire alarm system. While nearly everyone has a fire alarm system in their home, not everyone understands how they function or why they are really necessary in...

Benefits of Fingerprint Access Control in South Florida

Benefits of Fingerprint Access Control in South Florida

Having fingerprint access control in South Florida is a true game-changer for businesses. While it’s less common with home security we certainly do see it every day in our iPhones and mobile phones. But what really is fingerprint access control? Let’s break it down...

Thermal Security Cameras in Miami: Why are they important?

Thermal Security Cameras in Miami: Why are they important?

Security systems have been increasing in safety with technology advancements for the past decade. With owning a business in Miami comes certain risks with crime and burglaries. That’s why implementing high-tech security features like Thermal Cameras are a great idea. ...

Key Fob Access Control Systems: What are they and How do they work?

Key Fob Access Control Systems: What are they and How do they work?

Key fob access control systems are becoming more and more popular across apartment communities and even residential homes. Because of the way a Key Fob Access Control System works they can be integrated seamlessly in home life and in commercial properties. They make...

Home Security Systems: Benefits, Types & Risks

Home Security Systems: Benefits, Types & Risks

Technology has paved the way for homes to take on new security systems that work cohesively with our smart devices. But the field is still relatively new in terms of what’s being produced and different generations learning about what a home security...

Benefits of Installing Security Cameras in South Florida

Benefits of Installing Security Cameras in South Florida

Did you know that 1 in 47 Florida residents are subject to a property crime? That’s a pretty large number which brings us to the question, how do we stop it? Well, the first answer is installing security cameras along with a good system.  But not everyone can afford...

Benefits and Types of Card Access Control Systems in South Florida

Benefits and Types of Card Access Control Systems in South Florida

Having a great security system in South Florida is incredibly important when it comes to the safety and security of a business and all that surrounds it. The main functions of a card access control system should allow those who need to go in and out the luxury of...

Protect Your Miami Home or Business with Fire Alarm Systems

Protect Your Miami Home or Business with Fire Alarm Systems

Having a business or home in the hustle and bustle of Miami can be exciting and rewarding. But having that business or home means you have to stay up to date with fire codes and regulations. Especially because it is hot year-round. But fires don’t just happen because...

CCTV Surveillance Systems: Why are they a must in South Florida?

CCTV Surveillance Systems: Why are they a must in South Florida?

If you own a business and South Florida, there’s a good chance that you have been worried about keeping unwanted visitors away. South Florida rates as one of the most dangerous areas in the country when it comes to break-ins and property theft. Regardless of whether...




What is a Fire Alarm Control Panel?

What is a Fire Alarm Control Panel?

For many of us, a fire alarm is something that simply exists somewhere in the internal workings of public buildings. We do not think much about how a fire alarm works, we just know it is in the building, and we respond when it goes off. But a fire alarm is in fact a...

School Security Cameras in Florida: A Full Guide

School Security Cameras in Florida: A Full Guide

Schools are expected to be among the safest places around. Security at schools needs to be flawless. This is why school security cameras need to be among the best and most effective available. When it comes to the security of schools, there is no room for cutting...

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